Tuesday 21 July 2020

D-Mannose Supplement for UT Cleanse

A growing body of research suggests that D-mannose may have a part to play in treating active UTIs and preventing them from developing in the future.
Research into D-mannose for treating UTIs in people is still very new. For example, a 2013 review article noted the lack of clinical studies evaluating whether D-mannose could prevent UTIs from recurring.
Since then, journals have published some small studies, and researchers are currently conducting larger, more rigorous studies.
A 2014 study in the World Journal of Urology found that D-mannose may be effective in preventing people from getting further UTIs after they have recovered from one. In the study, D-mannose was slightly more effective than the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin.
However, the study participants knew whether they were taking D-mannose or not. This awareness might have affected their perception of how effective it was.
A 2016 pilot study found evidence to indicate that D-mannose may be an effective treatment for UTIs and could also prevent them. However, the authors noted the need for further research to confirm this.
The United Kingdom National Institute for Health Research is currently funding research on the link between D-mannose and recurrent UTIs. They plan for the study to involve 508 women, half of whom will receive D-mannose supplements, while the other half will receive a placebo. The study will conclude in 2020 and may provide more insight into how D-mannose affects UTIs.
More studies are necessary to determine whether or not D-mannose is a useful treatment for UTIs. Without these studies, it is not clear what the dosage of D-mannose should be or whether it may interact with other medications or cause side effects.
In one study, the only side effect that some of the participants taking D-mannose supplements experienced was diarrhea. However, researchers noted that the diarrhea was not severe enough for them to stop taking the supplements.
Another article suggested that taking D-mannose supplements may cause complications for women who are pregnant or have diabetes.
It is essential to speak to a doctor before taking any new supplements.

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