Thursday 23 July 2020

The Best Immunity Boosting Multivitamins

Nobody likes getting sick, so if you could take a tablet every day to reduce the chance, you’d probably take it. Immunity boosting multivitamins aren’t miracle cures, but studies suggest that those with good nutrition get ill less often and less severely.
This guide contains the information you need to select the best immunity boosting multivitamins. We’ve also included a few recommendations at the end, such as our top choice, Nature’s Way SystemWell Ultimate Immunity Multi-System Defense, which contains vitamins, minerals, and herbs to support immune function.
Immunity boosting multivitamins don’t all contain the same range of vitamins and minerals, so you should check what you’re getting when selecting one. The following vitamins and minerals play a part in healthy immune function: vitamins A, C, D, and E, folate, selenium, and zinc. Other vitamins and minerals may also help, but these are the main contenders.
Daily value
The daily value (DV) is also known as the recommended daily value (RDV) or recommended daily allowance (RDA). The DV is generally listed on vitamin bottles as a percentage of the recommended amount of a certain vitamin or mineral you need each day. For instance, if the DV of vitamin C is 90 milligrams and a multivitamin contains 180 milligrams, the DV percentage will be listed as 200%. This might seem like far too much vitamin C, but many vitamins and minerals can be safely consumed in quantities much higher than their RDV.
Some vitamins, however, are dangerous when taken in excessive quantities, but any legitimate vitamin manufacturer knows this and selects the dosage accordingly. For this reason, you shouldn’t take more vitamin tablets than recommended or you might end up overdosing on one or more vitamins or minerals.
Do multivitamins really boost your immune system?
Saying that vitamins and minerals boost your immune system isn’t really correct. The immune system’s natural response to fighting viruses and bacterial infections is to increase your body temperature, produce mucus, and so on. If your immune system was actually boosted at all times, you’d feel constantly unwell.
What certain vitamins and minerals can do is play a part in the healthy functioning of your immune system so it’s ready to see off viruses when the time comes. Some experts say you should be able to get all the vitamins and minerals you need through a healthy diet, but some studies suggest 92% of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral, so increasing your intake with a multivitamin can’t hurt.

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